Wednesday, June 25, 2008

bros birthday

Today is my brother's birthday. Sent him a package last week consisting of a manga bible and some xbox games (though I'm sure he probably has those titles downloaded somewhere in his ridiculous terabyte tower)

He texted me that he received the comic bible and also a note from customs saying they have taken 'some contraband stuff' . I replied, 'Damn, xbox games considered contraband meh?'

First thought was the games didn't make it. Kinda harsh, there were only 3 titles - one of them being a 4disc RPG. I thought maybe they'd open up the package and poke around but not confiscate the bloody things. Then I thought about the time I wasted in going to JB to get them. How, at customs, me and Grumpy nervously went through the scanner. Waited for the bus in line with every other Tom Dick and Harry going back to Singapore. And then how maybe I should have sent them via registered mail or used someone who was going over to help me pass them to him. Bugger it.

Then he texts 'Joking la. Got 'em.Thx so much'

ugh. brothers -_-

0 helloes:

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