Wednesday, August 12, 2009

life in OT

2nd week into my new post. This is a much bigger department in terms of staffing. At least 6 times bigger.

More people means more gossip going round. I hate office politics. I stay out of it as much as possible.

The biggest plus is the food provided here. It's not magical but it sure as hell is better than if we were to buy from the canteen. I guess they have to make it good cos of the doctors that eat here too.

The most common question I get asked is, "Why are you so tall ?" which is sort of a problem cos the girl scrubs aren't very long and I can't wear boy scrubs (different colour). End up have to wear quite low.

I sit in a corner opposite the theatre with this fancy expensive robotics machine. I was told lots of visitors come to see this machine. It's all wrapped up in plastic. Don't really understand it yet but saw part of an operation once with the patient lying face down and his insides were displayed on a big screen. All blood and guts. yummeh.

Grumpy, has brought me to see rings :) - much to the delight of my mother. Have seen a few I fancy. Although to be honest I don't really care what he gets. I said I wouldn't mind those man-made zirconia type things but he insists on getting the real thing. Alright.

0 helloes:

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