Lately, I've come across (okayy..looked for) alot of these sites that sell fake branded bags.
I must say that some of them are actually quite good.
The only brand I can speak of is LV. Comparing my Batignolles with one from high replica I would say the resemblance is bloody uncanny right down to the hook closure and the interior as well.
They have 800+ replicated models from LV alone. They even come with a receipt replicate. wtf. Even an 'Authenticity Card' ... what the hell for ??! Your assurance that it's an authentic replica ?
Can you spot the fake from the real ? Yeap, the odd one out is the real mccoy though I guess it isn't entirely fair given the other 3 are of gold hardware.
This is the very pretty and very coveted Fairy Bag by Prada. The photography of this alone gives it away but yea, the fakes are the ones taken up against a dodgy corner.
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