Friday, September 12, 2008

the 4 month search

Ever since end April I've been searching for an alternative to my dead-end job. It's been getting stale for a long time. Have applied for at least 20 positions and gone on about a dozen interviews but only the latest has borne any kind of positive result. I was starting to think I was bloody useless.

I originally went with the intentions of discussing the finer points of being a Clinical Research Project Administrator. After all, it was somewhat related to my degree and as for the admin experience part, yeahhh I sure got that.

My interviewer, Ms V didn't mention this Project Administrator position at all, she wanted to hire me as a recruitment consultant and asked me if I was interested. I told her in all honesty I'm not sure if I have the skills for it but what the hell I'd try it. She then shared with me her own (very similar) background - life science degree, admin job in hospital and basically the lack of any kind of future in that line. She read I'm from Crescent and she says 'yeah, you'll do fine, Crescent Girls are good' ... her office has 5 Crescentians. And 4 life science degree holders. How shocked was I ? VERY

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